A few days ago, I posted on Twitter a thinking challenge. "Can't" is really CAN with a few complications. I had intended to have this post ready to go along with it to encourage more discussion. It's finally developing!
Reflect on that, if you wish. Do you see it? Can't starts, and indeed could not exist, without the word CAN. It has "not" added to the end to negate it. Then we get lazy and don't even spell out "not" we just take out the o, throw in an apostrophe and smoosh the contraction on the end of our positive word. We alter a whole word, a whole concept, a whole demeanor just by complicating it a little. How often do we do that, and how often do we CHOOSE that (whether or not we're admitting that truth right now)? Do we make excuses to quit when things get complicated?
When I was young, full of energy and idealism, I always believed I could do anything. Most days I still do! "Can't" isn't really part of my vocabulary; I just realize that sometimes my "CAN" takes a little longer than first planned. That isn't to say it's always easy or always as expected. Sometimes I find opportunities to struggle with a decision to do something or the manner in which to complete it. Sometimes I agree to do things without even knowing how I am going to make them realities. It can be scary when you don't know what an outcome will be when you start, but that's part of the adventure to embrace.
This fall I said "I can" and "I will" to increased leadership responsibility at work and in an organization to which I belong. I didn't know where I would "find" or "make" the time nor how I would get to each of the required events throughout the year, but I'm not worried. You see, I've become very, very good at planning and adapting. I'm quite proud of my increased skills in "logistics management." You CAN, too...but it's up to YOU to decide for yourself. I leave you with the words of two very wise individuals, Yoda and my mother.
"Do or do not. There is no try." --Yoda
"Can't never did, because can't never tried." --Pam's Mom
Distill them both and you're back to....CAN DO!.
Have a BRIGHT week. Go shine your light.