Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How are you doing with your challenge(s) today?

It's almost the halfway point (two day warning) of a recent 30-day challenge I embraced. It doesn't take long to discover lots of little (and big) things we can do to help someone along the way. Maybe one day all you think you can muster is a smile to every single person you meet. Not knowing their full stories you might not realize just how great an impact that could be for someone. Maybe another day you get to do something a little bigger and you get to keep it a secret. Those are super-charge days. I like to dream of being wealthy enough to be a generous, anonymous benefactor. These days, mysterious mini-blessings feel pretty big, too. It's not all about money, and not about what you have, but what you choose freely to do. I encourage you to experience the happy heart of one who lives (and gives) cheerfully.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rememberize Your Card!

I experienced great joy this weekend...I hosted my niece on an impromptu visit. She brought Flat Sally with her to have some fun and record it in her travel journal. For those of you not familiar, there is a series of children's stories about Flat Stanley, which contribute to absolutely fabulous elementary school lesson plan ideas. Many children have taken a new interest in their environments, experiences, and means of recording them as a result. They make these flat pals who join them on some adventures, and then they write about them to share with their teachers and their classes. Flat Sally joined us on a walk to the local library (which sadly was closed for early summer hours already), a bus ride, and a trip to the corner store for milk and eggs. She helped us make French Toast for breakfast and shaped some homemade salt dough into a beautiful set of sculptures. We baked a "one bowl" chocolate cake from scratch. She helped my niece with a really neat card trick. I "rememberized" my card and they knew exactly which one it was!

I am looking forward to future visits. We still have museums, parks, and concerts to enjoy. We have farmers' markets and festivals coming later this summer. We have other friends and family to join us or take their own turns to visit. We might even be able to find some yard sales or host one. Most of all, we have love and great imagination. Please, dear heart, rememberize that and carry it with you always.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I've taken a 30-day Challenge. Will you join me?

Today is the start of a new fiscal year at work. It is also the beginning of a new month, and a time to discover lots of new opportunities, reasons to be grateful, joyful, and helpful to others. I found a "Spreading Joy" challenge and couldn't resist. I like to shine my little light making the world a brighter place. It brings me great happiness to add to a more positive experience for the people I encounter each day. I don't need or want recognition for any of those things I do so I won't be listing any of them here, but I do want to offer you that same special feeling that occurs when we do good in the world. Drawing from the ideas and inspiration shared by Marie Wikle on
I accept and share the challenge to spread the joy each and every day this month and beyond. Start small (unless you're ready for big already) and help hearts grow.