Sometimes, no matter what's happening in life, be it perceived as good, bad, or something in between, circumstances align and enable us to see how perfectly the pieces fit together. Most of us have ups and downs, difficulties, and hopefully someone and something helping us re-balance.
It's already been more than a couple of weeks since we started talking about the Spreading Joy Challenge. If you haven't already discovered it for yourself, it's impossible to share true joy without renewing your own in the process! I think that's the special quality about actions rooted in love: like an infinite multiplier, those thoughts and actions, "vibes" or ripples expand, flow, and return. It just feels GOOD.
What I'm recognizing tonight, in having tried to help others, I am also helping myself. I am breaking away from old thought patterns about what other people might think. I'm less fearful of emotion and connecting with others. I've always wanted to be a "giver" and am learning that to truly be a better one, I also need to better develop the "receiver" aspect...You know, as in one hand to give, the other to receive? yeah, that.
This afternoon i learned of the passing of a retired coworker. While sad, I was also relieved for her, and glad that I was among those who got to visit her in her final days. This evening, I received my copy of Marie Wikle's book, Spreading Joy Daily. I started flipping through it, and found a piece about sharing joy through sorrow. Of course, it spoke to my heart tonight, and I am determined to do that at work tomorrow with my team. Those times often bring people closer together.
Marie sent me special messages on Twitter and while I haven't met her in person yet, her good will reached me like having an old friend in the room offering hugs. In this moment of knowing others care, I felt valued, refreshed, and uplifted. That in turn gives me the strength and desire to go out and make a spot a little brighter.
I hope that each of you in your ups and downs finds whatever it is that speaks to your heart in that moment of need, that you are able to embrace it, and to use it for good.