Some mornings, i feel like I'm dragging a lead pipe up the hill, but the walk is always a pleasant one. This morning I moved a little slower than normal and took the time to notice a few more things than just my thoughts and the cars zooming by. It took me all day to steal a moment to document it, but here is a sampling of what I noticed this morning as I walked up South Hill:
* a Blue Jay in flight
* half a rotting eggplant
* the gentleman who handles morning crossing guard duty at the elementary school
* a little "yip yip" dog silently (hurray!) walking with its human
* a family of deer eating their breakfast
* the bright colors of the changing leaves
After i made it to campus, I remembered where i put my ID/bus pass. I was both grateful to have it and pleased with myself that i had chosen to walk anyway rather than wait for the bus up the hill.
It always intrigues me what i notice, what i remember, and what i forget, so i'm thinking another writing exercise might include another attempt to document what i notice and how i respond to it.
My "coup du jour" as originally perceived was perhaps having accomplished my 60 minutes max countable daily cardio for my fitness challenge before 8am, but at 3:30pm it may very well be the peace and pleasure of having more fully experienced that first hour before the day got so busy.