Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Time Flies. Make Time For Your Priorities!

Good morning! When i left for work today, the moon was low in the sky and lit with a soft glow that was quite stunning. Another three hours have passed since then, and now the sun is high above and getting warm. I don't know about you, but sometimes i get so wrapped up in just trying to finish the next task or start the next project that i don't enjoy the beauty around me or build in my reading, writing, sleeping, and socializing time. Somehow another month has passed since i said hello in this forum. I hope that most of your days between posts are bright ones, and if not, i hope to help the future ones become so.

Today's charge is to remember that there's more to life than just staying alive or getting by. Engage all your senses and experience everything around and in you. Make time for the people and activities you deem important. Make sure you're on that list! Develop a dream and a plan. Cultivate the joy in your life and use that wellspring to positively impact others. Make a difference because you want to, not just because you can.

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