Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Whether it's your "real" birthday (it is for at least two people I know as I write this) or not, take a minute to think about how you feel on that special day. Do you feel loved, important, celebrated? Do you recognize in yourself those amazing combinations of qualities that make you, YOU? Do you take the opportunity to refresh yourself, refocus, and articulate what happens next? Do you take charge of the events of the day? If yes, then YAY! If not, why?

Each and every day can be a new birthday. Each day the sun comes up, we wake up, and we start making choices about how we will spend our resources (our time, our money, our energy...). Celebrate yourself and your new beginning today and every day. Why limit yourself to just a few hours of feeling special? Hopefully you know that you carry that warm happy feeling with you all year. It's bound to do you or someone you meet some good.

The party's ready to start, and you're the guest of honor. Happy Birthday!

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