Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How are you doing with your challenge(s) today?

It's almost the halfway point (two day warning) of a recent 30-day challenge I embraced. It doesn't take long to discover lots of little (and big) things we can do to help someone along the way. Maybe one day all you think you can muster is a smile to every single person you meet. Not knowing their full stories you might not realize just how great an impact that could be for someone. Maybe another day you get to do something a little bigger and you get to keep it a secret. Those are super-charge days. I like to dream of being wealthy enough to be a generous, anonymous benefactor. These days, mysterious mini-blessings feel pretty big, too. It's not all about money, and not about what you have, but what you choose freely to do. I encourage you to experience the happy heart of one who lives (and gives) cheerfully.

1 comment:

  1. I too, dream of being the generous person that walks into a K-mart and covers all of the items on lay-away, or gives out 1000 backpacks filled with supplies to kids - but like you, no way financially that is going to happen anytime soon.

    with you today - i'm smiling in the midst of "it all" and keeping positive, even though it would have been much easier to be really, really negative.

    you've brought great JOY my way today!


